1.0: Background |
The Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) is an area covering about 15 km in width and 50 km in length. It extends southwards from Kuala Lumpur (KLCC), encompassing the new federal administratrative capital of Putrajaya coordination and implementation, the MSC is subdivided into seven planning areas as outlined below:
In addition to the seven areas, the KLIA is already completed and was opened for operations at the end of June 1998. |
2.0: Objectives |
Presently as most of the areas in the MSC are presently in the design stage and construction stage a well coordinated and well-planned overall drainage system is very much needed to avert flooding problems that could be otherwise prevented. In view of this, the Macro Drainage Master Plan Study was formulated with the following objectives:
3.0: Plan Implementation Programme |
The Macro Drainage Master Plan as described earlier is proposed to be implemented in phases due to the large volume of work involved. In terms of priority, the Immediate Action Plan (IAP) was identified as the urgent works to be carried out. The IAP Implementation will require the balance of the works for Sungai Klang, planned under the Sungai Klang Flood Mitigation Project, to be implementated in tandem since these works are downstream and would otherwise negate the advantage of the early completion of the IAP works. |
Last Updated 2017-04-25 14:28:08 by Administrator